
ADX Package creation tool for AEM
Selective Content Packaging: Simplifying Package Creation in AEM


Selective Content Packaging in ADX Tools is a wizard that helps you complete package creation in AEM in a simple manner. Backing up pages before updating them during a package deployment is an advisable practice. You can always use the backup to restore your pages if anything goes wrong (you never know).

But the list of paths for package creation is usually long, and manual package creation with such a list becomes tedious and time-consuming for content authors.


Create an AEM package from paths (filters) present in an Excel file.


Argil DX presents Selective Content Packaging with a user-friendly console to help users create AEM packages in a simpler and quicker manner through the following input fields:

  • Name – name of the package
  • Version – version of the package
  • Group – group of the package
  • Access Control Handling – permissions to handle the nodes
  • Excel file – file containing fields such as Path, Include child node, Include Image Renditions


All of the fields have default values except the Excel file.

ADX Selective Content Packaging Tool

A sample Excel file can be downloaded using the ‘Sample’ button present after the description of the file field.


The Excel file contains 3 fields:

  1. Path – the absolute path of the node
  2. Include Child Node (Yes/No) – asking for tree activation on the specified path
  3. Include DAM Renditions (if applicable) (Yes/No) – AEM workflows automatically create DAM renditions on every server (unless altered), but users can opt not to include them by entering ‘No’ in this field.


Selective Content Packaging in AEM


The tool also has a history page with a record of all the packages created using it. We can see the logs of operations as well as download the old package.

Selective Content Packaging in AEM

The history icon is present on the top right corner of the tool.

Advantages of the tool:
  • Easy-to-use console for package creation
  • Packages and their respective logs are accessible from remote locations
  • Create space-saver packages by eliminating renditions of assets
  • Easy searching and sorting in logs
  • History page for package creation


The video demonstration of the tool can be viewed below:

Related Blogs:

We at Argil DX are dedicated to improving your AEM experience and usability. Get in touch with us to know more about our services and AEM expertise.

To download the ADX Tools package submit a request and we will deliver the package on your email within 15 work days.


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Arpit Rathi

February 14, 2019

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