
User status report is a console to generate a list of users in AEM and perform specific operations.
When certain users in an AEM instance become inactive, administrators can prevent them from logging in to the system by disabling them. One such scenario is when the admin needs to revoke the access of contractual users to the system after the expiry of the contract. Here, the admin will benefit from a user-friendly console to disable, enable or delete users. This is exactly what our User Status Report Tool offers.
To help generate a list of active, inactive, disabled and system users in AEM. It also provides options to disable, enable or delete users through a user-friendly console.
At Argil DX, we have developed a tool for simple and quick reporting of user status in AEM in a graphical format.
1. To implement the tool, the admin has to create a system user adxSystemUser with the following permissions.
Read permission for apps, home;
Read, modify, create, delete permissions for conf, tmp and var.
There should be an instance of ‘Apache Sling Service User Mapping Service Amendment’ with Service Mappings as com.adx.utilities.core:ResourceResolverUtil = adxSystemUser.
2. All you have to do to get a report of inactive users is enter the duration of inactivity in the form. You can select the ‘Include disabled users’ checkbox if you want to include the users who have been disabled by the administrator.
3. As a result, we get a pie chart representing the different types of users in each part.
4. Clicking on any section of the pie chart will list out the users for the respective category along with the following details.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Username
- Groups
- User options (disable, enable, delete)
The details of the respective users are presented in a tabular format with operations such as search, sort, paginate, etc. against each user.
5. Active users can be disabled (preventing them from logging in to the system), or deleted (removing the user from AEM).
Inactive users can be disabled so that they can no longer log in to the system or deleted. Disabled users can be enabled (granting access to log in to the system) or deleted if they no longer require access.
Before any user activity, a confirmation dialog will be displayed to confirm the action.
6. Admins can export the report in pdf format.
Key highlights of the tool
- Tool compares active and inactive users, provides details of disabled and system users
- User-friendly console to disable, enable or delete users
- Ability to export the report in pdf format
- Multi-purpose console to manage users in AEM
The video demonstration of the tool can be viewed at:
Related Blogs:
- Advent of Add-on Advantages in AEM: ADX Tools
- Selective Content Packaging: Simplifying Package Creation in AEM
- Package purging: Delete Multiple Unwanted Packages in AEM Instances at Once
- Content Report: Need a Comprehensive Status Report of All Your Content?
- Component Usage report: Generate Live Usage Report of Multiple Components with a Click
- Selective Replication: Bulk Content Replication Made Easier
We at Argil DX are dedicated to improving your AEM experience and usability. Get in touch with us to know more about our services and AEM expertise.
To download the ADX Tools package submit a request and we will deliver the package on your email within 15 work days.